in a huddle meaning in Chinese

Pronunciation:   "in a huddle" in a sentence
缩成一团, 堆成一堆
  • huddle:    vt. 1.乱挤,胡乱堆集。 2.把…卷作一团 (int ...
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  1. Their clothes lay in a huddle on the floor .
  2. Their clothes lay in a huddle on the floor

Related Words


  1. in a high crosswind in Chinese
  2. in a highly wrought-up state in Chinese
  3. in a hole in Chinese
  4. in a hollow of the hills in Chinese
  5. in a hospital in Chinese
  6. in a huff in Chinese
  7. in a humid environment in Chinese
  8. in a humorous vein in Chinese
  9. in a hurry in Chinese
  10. in a hurry (=hastily) in Chinese
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